Sunday, October 26, 2008

Let the Halloweening Begin!

We had a BLAST at Ghouls of Grassmere last night. It's true what they re-live your childhood through your kids. And it is so fun! This is just the beginning for our little family and I can't wait for more of these things. We have several fun holidays coming up in the next few months...Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then Evan's first birthday. I don't think I could be more excited!

Here's a few shots from last night. Uncle Chris, Auntie Rachel and Chloe and Owen went with us. Owen was monkey too!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oh Ray

The minute your lips touch the microphone,
you cast a spell on your freely captive audience.
It's as if you open the door to a dreamland
where thoughts flow free, uninterrupted.

As I sit close to My Love,
his arm around my shoulders holds me close.
I slowly caress his hand,
as warmth bursts from our hearts to each other.
You make us fall in love all over again,
and give us new words to express our love to one another.

We love seeing you,
there's no need to be shy.
Come back to Nash any time,
we'll be counting the days,
as hopefully time flies by.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

6 Things (for Brooks)

I've been tagged by Brooks for 6 Things About Me. And because I love these things, I couldn't refuse. So here goes:

1. About 5 years ago I sold my house in Hermitage so I could move to St. Thomas (USVI). That didn't happen because I knew it wasn't God's will for me. So then I decided I was moving to NYC, then Chicago, then Hawaii, then Canada, then Paris. lol. Seriously. This kept going between me and God until I met Steve. Now I'm content with living in Nash. :)

2. I have permanent eyeliner. After that, my wrist tattoo wasn't bad at all.

3. I made mashed potatoes and green bean casserole last night for the first time ever. Yes, ever. No, I'm not proud of that. :)

4. I won 3rd place and Miss Personality in the Ms. Flagler County pageant when I was 16.

5. My parents let me drive regularly when I was 14 and 15. Thank God I never got a ticket or in a wreck!

6. I was supernaturally healed of migraines. I'm talkin full on pentecostal, immediate physical manifestation and everything. It was hands down the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me.

Tag, you’re it!
1. Mandy (girl if you don't have a blog, create one...for me! hehe)
2. Melissa (same as above!)
3. Amber
4. Synetha
5. Jana
6. Katie

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on the blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

9 Month Stats

Weight: 20 lbs - 50%
Height: 29 in (yeah!) - 85%
Head circumference: 45 in - 70%

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy Birffday

Happy Birffday Daddy!!!!! We love you!


Mama & Evan

Sunday, October 12, 2008


I haven't complained about changing diapers up until this point. Even when Evan was a newborn and we went through 16 diapers a day! (Because we had the new parent paranoia going on and thought we had to change him every hour.) But now, it's a different story. Let's just say solid food = total nastiness 3x a day! lol

I think I'm gonna head to the library tomorrow and check out "Diaper Free Baby" (teaches parents to start potty training at infancy!). Nah, I think that's kinda crazy but it's not as crazy sounding now as it was a few months ago.

Wow. Another shocking milestone for me...blogging about poo. Babies really DO change everything. :)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Tonight Evan and I went to visit my friend Net who lives downtown. Her loft is the bomb diggity! When Steve and I first met, I was living downtown. I absolutely looooooooooved it. Unfortunately a stalker forced me to move and end my brief habitation there (crazy story). I've always been a city girl, many times contemplating a move to NYC. But God had other plans for me so downtown Nash was as close as I could get. I loved the urban life of walking across the street for breakfast on the patio at Provence with a magazine, taking jogs over the Shelby Street bridge and Bicentennial Park, trips to the Farmers Market, meeting friends at the Ryman, TPAC and GEC for concerts, and middle of the night food at hot dog stands and Past Perfect!

Steve and I contemplated being that "urban couple" who raises their baby in a loft downtown, but I knew deep down that I would desperately desire more than 800sf with a baby! And I'm glad we didn't do that now, especially with the crazy economy and the abundance of lofts in Nashville. Fortunately we only live 8 minutes from downtown so we have the best of both worlds. I wouldn't trade my life now for anything, but it's nice to have good memories.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

9 Months

Wow has this been a big month! A lot has happened during the 8th month. All the sudden, Evan started rolling over in his crib, sleeping on his tummy, pulling up on things to stand, taking steps when we hold his hands, AND scooting on his tummy. His "crawl" is so funny. It's not the traditional crawl and not even the army crawl. He keeps his entire body on the floor and uses his toes and hands/arms to get to what he wants. It's hysterical. I wish I could post a video, but that's too time consuming right now. I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever have the desire to crawl, so it's kind of a relief, but also a kick in the butt. It means I have to babyproof pronto! I have all the babyproof gadgets...I just haven't installed them yet. I don't know why I dread it so much. But there have already been plenty of bumps and bruises thanks to our hardwood floors (despite the rugs). I just want to line our whole house with cushy foam from floor to ceiling!

A few months ago, I was feeling all confident because in both nurseries he goes to, they were telling me he was their favorite baby and he was so good. Now, he's the baby that cries when he notices I'm gone and wants to be held the whole time. :( Fortunately he's still not a wailer, but I hate that he's fussy. Somehow I'm feeling better about it than last month though. I keep giving myself pep talks with the knowledge that it's just something that babies go through and that he's not hurting or in any danger while I'm away.

We put him in the Creepers class at church tonight instead of the infants. I think that helped (well that and the fact Steve and I were both in there all night with him!). He definitely fits in with them better as far as size goes, I was just concerned they'd eat him for lunch! Those babies can be aggressive! Of course they don't mean to be, but some of them are starting to walk and he's just now crawling. But he did really well and even acted excited to be in there.

Steve's convinced that he's trying to sing along with one of his favorite ABC toys. It's the sweetest little sound! He doesn't say any words on purpose yet, but he makes the "ba ba", "tha tha" and "da da" sounds a lot. He's very vocal at home. Sometimes when he "talks" to me, he'll spout out of a bunch of sounds and then smile and put his head down like he's shy. It's SO cute.

Gosh I love that baby so much. He is such a sweet little thing. So he can be a little clingy at times, but he's a baby! I must guiltily admit that I actually like it sometimes because he always wants me. Naturally that feels good! :) Just to see his cheesy little smile or hear that giggle or purr, just lights up my day.

Watch out Mom, I learned to pull myself up! And as you can see, I'm pretty excited about it!

And I'm standing in my crib too. Daddy had to lower my mattress, but it looks like it needs to be even lower now. Watch out!

Sportin my Red Sox hat for the ALDS! And it worked cause they won!

I can't wait until he can wear this hat! Steve thinks I'm cruel, but come on...he'll only be my baby for a little bit longer. And he's SOOO cute in it I can't stand it. You can't see it well in this pic, but the top of the hat has bear ears. Love it!

This one's for Nana. We need to get Joshie's pic taken with me in our matching outfits!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Heck to the NO

This is going to sound like a snooty (sp?), snobby, I'm-better-than-you thing to say, but I don't mean it that way at all. You have think about how much I LOATHED my job before I had Evan. I hated it so bad, was so miserable, would wake up in the morning dreading my day and wishing it away and lost all care because of the things going on there. So here goes...

A couple recruiters have called me lately trying to place me...full time, part time, contractor, whatever. Do you know how nice it is to say thanks but no thanks? I just never knew I'd be able to say that, especially so soon after getting married. (Told you it'd sound snooty.) I am SO happy to be staying home with Evan and not forced to go back to a job I hate. It's not only the company that made me miserable, but I was tired of doing what I was doing. I was very good at it and I enjoyed it at one time, but my focus has shifted. I'd consider working again, but only doing Graphic Design or something that appeals to me.

Staying at home isn't always fun and games. I'm convinced the house dirties itself when I'm not looking, sometimes Evan gets stir crazy and doesn't cooperate, and I don't get as many moments to myself as I'd like, but overall, I have a pretty sweet deal. I'm not being snooty, I'm just being appreciative. Steve, I'm forever greatful. xoxo