Obviously 2008 started off very exciting for us. Evan was born on January 7 and the next several months were blurry. Getting acclaimated with parenthood took us for a ride, but I must say I think we handled everything extremely well, especially considering we were still honeymooners. Evan is by far the most exciting, most rewarding, most challenging, most brilliant thing that ever happened to us. It's cliche...all parents say this, but I honestly can't imagine life without that little bundle of cuteness! I read that Nicole Kidman's mother told her that she was "overbonded" with her new baby. I never read anything that rang more true to me. I feel I was overbonded with Evan too. That plus my nature made me very sensitive and very cautious and VERY emotional about everything related to him. I'm just now feeling comfortable leaving him in the nursery at church. Mainly because it's for so long and I didn't feel like he was happy in there. But every time I ask how he did, they say he was great. Finally I began to feel more at ease.
So naturally, it's been a huge year of personal growth for me. But it's been so rewarding and I feel so much smarter and more connected with life now that I have a child of my own. I feel like another part of me came to life (sorry for the cheesiness) now that I'm a mother. A few months ago I took a Photoshop class to have some "me" time and explore some of my interests. I loved every second of it and hope to continue to pursue that this year. I lost 8 of the 15 lbs I was hanging on to post-pregnancy and am still irritated that I have 7 left to go. What a struggle that's been. Steve doesn't think I'll ever want to get pregnant again since it's taking so long. He's kinda right but I know I will. Of course I'm saying that I'll lose it faster next time b/c I'll be more disciplined, but if you know me at all, you'll know I hate being disciplined when it comes to food. Unfortunately I love it too much. I joined a Mama's group when Evan was 3 months old. You didn't actually think I'd be a STAY at home mom, did you? I'm too antsy for that! It's been a wonderful outlet to talk to other moms and learn from their experiences. I also met several friends at church this year that have children that have been a huge blessing.
One of my favorite things is that God blessed me with two new wonderful friends this year...Amber and Julie. When I had Evan, I naturally cleaved to my family and new motherhood and focused on that primarily. But a girl ALWAYS needs good friends. I have a lot of good friends, but every friend brings something special to your relationship and God gave me these two just when I needed them. It's a crazy story how Amber and I met and I don't have time to blog all that, but she is one of the most giving, selfless, thoughtful people I know. Honestly I don't know why she's friends with me. lol I always feel like I'm running and doing a million things like a whirlwind and then I'll say, "Sorry, what were you saying?" I need to simplify my life, but that's another story! Amber and her husband were the first friends of ours that we let watch Evan. They've watched him for us countless times now as we went on dates, celebrated Steve's birthday, etc. They really love Evan and there's no price you can put on that. Bo even got Evan a little OSU sippy cup, just because! Amber has bought him countless things and best of all, she's making a TON of cupcakes for his first birthday party. Oh and did I mention she's 9 MONTHS pregnant??? Who does that??? You can see why I love her. I can't wait till her sweet baby boy is born in a few weeks. Steve and I have LOTS of making up to do. :) She's been a real friend and listened and gave advice and just been there. I love you Amber!
Julie is my other new friend. We met at church over a year ago, but really started hanging out this year. It's crazy how alike we are, although she has some feature qualities that I'm hoping rub off on me! Julie is confident yet sweet and let's not forget beautiful. She's also a great listener and always gives Godly advice. She inspires me to be a better Christian and to exercise my faith more. She and her husband Jim pray for us continually (good thing, cuz we need it!). Jim even helped paint our entire livingroom, which is a beast. They are the second friends that we let watch Evan. Like Amber and Bo, they truly love Evan. When friends love your baby like these people do, it makes ME love them more. They're so excited to see him and hold him and play with him. Did I mention Julie changed one of the nastiest diapers ever just to give me a break? That's love baby! We also have a lot of making up to do when they have a baby. J&J also love playing Guitar Hero with us, which gives us a tight bond. lol Julie, I'm so glad God brought you in my life. I love you!
Best of all this year, Steve and I celebrated our first anniversary in July. We went to the Cape where Steve vacationed every summer as a child. It was very nostalgic for him and neat for me to see that part of his life. We stayed with his Grandma Jane at the family cottage right on the beach. It was so wonderful to get to know GJ on a more intimate level and to turn her on to the Bachelor. LOL Evan LOVED her. He learned to sit up while we were there...very exciting day for me! Steve's niece Ashley watched Ev while we went out for our anniversary. Steve took me to this amazing restaurant on the water where we had a delicious meal. He repeated some of his vows to me and presented me with diamond earrings. It's a moment that I'll cherish forever mostly because of the warm, loving things he said.
I don't know which thing Steve is better at...being a husband or a father. He put up with my crazy emotional status after I had Evan...ah who am I kidding, I'm still emotional! He goes to work every morning while we're still in bed, never complains about providing for us while we're spending his money at Target, comes home and plays on the floor with Evan and then gives him his bath and puts him to bed. He is very hands on with him and truly loves being a dada. He's been a wonderful spiritual motivator and encourager, he always looks on the positive side of things and gives people the benefit of the doubt. He stands up for what is right, he doesn't let people push him around (usually he's the one pushing...lol), and has his family under his wing. It's my goal to never take him for granted...not a day. I love you baby. You're my rock.
So here we go, venturing boldly into 2009. First up, Evan's first birthday...tomorrow! Can't wait to see how he likes cake!
6 months ago
You cannot write a blog like this and not expect a VERY pregnant woman not to cry (and I am at work)! This was so sweet! You and Steve are great! We love both of you and of course Evan too!!! ;)
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