Talking in lots of complete sentences.
Can identify lots of shapes.
Can now make distinction between boys and girls ("Mommy is a girl", "Daddy is a boy") So cute!
We go through all the songs he knows every night before bed. He used to want me to sing with him, but now he just wants me to listen. I taught him sign language to "Jesus Loves Me" and "Oh How I Love Jesus" and it is the cutest thing to see him sign and sing.
He's doing a lot better with being more social and happy going to church nursery, gym nursery, etc. He really enjoys playing with other kids, runs around laughing and chasing them.
This week he ran 3 houses down completely naked from waist down because he was "chasing birds". I panicked when I couldn't find him, but when I did, almost couldn't walk because I was laughing so hard.
He also puked about 8 times one night. First time he's been really sick. Poor guy.
Favorite game is chase, especially when we play with the ball. He wants me to "steal" it and run around. He loves playing kickball too.
6 months ago
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